

今天山东无缝钢管厂来和大家说说无缝钢管的制造工艺与实际用途。 Shandong seamless steel pipe seamless steel pipe to and you talk about today's manufacturing process and the actual use. 无缝钢管是一种具有中空截面、周边没有接缝的长条钢材。钢管具有中空截面,大量用作输送流体的管道,如输送石油、天然气、煤气、水及某些固体物料的管道等。 Seamless steel pipe is a hollow section, no seams around the strip steel.Steel pipe has a hollow section, a large number of used for conveying fluid pipe, such as oil, natural gas, coal gas, water and some solid materials, such as pipelines. 钢管与圆钢等实心钢材相比,在抗弯抗扭强度相同时,重量较轻,是一种经济截面钢材,广泛用于制造结构件和机械零件,如石油钻杆、汽车传动轴、自行车架以及建筑施工中用的钢脚手架等。 Compared to the steel pipe and round steel solid steel bending torsional strength phase at the same time, the weight is lighter, is a kind of economic cross section steel, widely used in the manufacture of structural and mechanical parts, such as petroleum drill pipe, auto transmission shaft, bicycle frame and construction of steel scaffolding is used. 用钢管制造环形零件,可提高材料利用率,简化制造工序,节约材料和加工工时,如滚动轴承套圈、千斤顶套等,目前已广泛用钢管来制造。 With steel pipe manufacturing annular parts, can improve material utilization, simplifying the manufacturing process, material saving and processing time, such as rolling bearing ring, jack sets, at present has been widely made from steel pipe. 无缝钢管的制造工艺 Seamless steel tube manufacturing process 1.热轧(挤压无缝钢管):圆管坯→加热→穿孔→三辊斜轧、连轧或挤压→脱管→定径(或减径)→冷却→矫直→水压试验(或探伤)→标记→入库 1. Hot extrusion (seamless steel tube) : the circular tube billet heat punch threeroll skew rolling, rolling, or pressing to take off the tube and sizing (or reducing) cooling straightening to hydrostatic test or inspection > tag, put in storage 2.冷拔(轧)无缝钢管:圆管坯→加热→穿孔→打头→退火→酸洗→涂油(镀铜)→多道次冷拔(冷轧)→坯管→热处理→矫直→水压试验(探伤)→标记→入库 2. Cold drawing (rolling) seamless steel pipe: the circular tube billet heat punch to heading, annealing and pickling to apply oil (copper), multichannel time cold drawing (cold) and billet tube heat treatment straightening to hydrostatic test (NDT) > tag, put in storage 锅炉管价格 Boiler tube prices 15crmo高压锅炉管价格15crmo高压锅炉管 特价:6250元/每吨 原价: 6850元/每吨 Price 15 crmo 15 crmo high pressure boiler tube high pressure boiler tube special price: 6250 yuan/ton price: 6850 yuan/ton 15CrMoG高压锅炉管价格15CrMOG高压锅炉管 价格:13000元/每吨 Price 15 crmog 15 crmog high pressure boiler tube high pressure boiler tube price: 13000 yuan/ton 20G高压锅炉管价格 20 g high pressure boiler tube price 20G高压锅炉管 当 前 价: 5600.00元/吨 最小起订: 1吨 供货总量: 780吨 20 g high pressure boiler tube When the former price: 5600.00 yuan/ton Minimum order: 1 ton Supply total quantity: 780 tons 标签:[db:标签]