

今天山东无缝钢管厂来和大家说一下无缝钢管的日常维护步骤。 Shandong seamless steel pipe to today and you say me the daily maintenance steps of the seamless steel tube. 1、无缝钢管挂吊起重时不准钢丝绳斜拽,防止钢丝绳脱槽。 1, seamless steel pipe hanging lift heavy wire rope is not allowed oblique, prevent the wire rope groove. 2、操作中要注意安全,确保人身和设备安全。 2, pay attention to the safety in operation, to ensure personal and equipment safety. 3、经常检查小车前后的极限开关,吊钩上升最大限度的极限开关是否好使灵敏。 3, check the car before and after the limit switch, hook up whether the maximum limit switch that sensitive. 4、天津无缝钢管齿轮、链轮、链、绳等润滑点要按期加油。 4, tianjin seamless steel tube gear, sprocket, chain, rope and so on lubrication points to cheer on schedule. 5、操纵悬臂吊要与挂吊人员密切配合,听从挂吊指挥。 5 and manipulation of the cantilever crane to closely with people hang hang, listen to hang hang command. 6、吊钩要挂满带卷。 6, hang hooks to coil. 7、钢丝绳断股10%时应予更换。 7, should be replaced when the wire rope broken stocks 10%. 8、经常检查吊钩起重抱闸是否好使灵敏。 8, often check whether hook lifting the brake so that sensitive. 9、直缝钢管吊动带钢卷时要轻起轻落,操作要稳、准、轻。 9, straight seam steel pipe hanging strip to light up the light volume, steady, accurate, light operation. 标签:[db:标签]